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How To Add a Claim Filing Indicator

If the payer asks to add the claim filing indicator, follow the steps below. Let’s have HMO as an example. Check the implementation guide under revenue management. Go to Activities >> Revenue Management >> Implementation Guide >> Select the...

Adding a Resubmission Code in Box 22

Box 22 is used to list the Original Reference Number for resubmitted/corrected claims. When resubmitting a claim, enter the appropriate frequency code: 6 – Corrected Claim 7 – Replacement of Prior Claim 8 – Void/Cancel Prior Claim The Original...

How to Show More Options Under Tools Menu

Upon opening the Tools menu and you see only a few options there. Follow these steps.  1. Click on the small inverted triangle dropdown mark at the upper right corner in line with the menu bar. Select Add or Remove buttons then click on Reset Toolbar.  2. Now check...
Find Medisoft Database

Find Medisoft Database

Solution: This message appears when Medisoft is first installed, is opened for the first time under a new Windows user, or if the data path is reset by holding F7 while the program is opening. If you know your data path you can enter it in the blank space provided...

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