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1. Go to Activities then click Revenue Management. From there, click Configure and select Communications.

2. Click the details icon under CAMCS. It will open the terminal window.

3. Click Connect. It will dial Medicare.

4. Enter the user ID on the logon field in the terminal. The user ID is found beside the Details of the main communication screen.

5. Enter the password. Just beside the User ID in the main communication screen is the password. Enter it in the terminal.

6. It will then tell you what caller number you are. Below are the options you can choose from. Type 3 on the terminal to change Password. Press Enter.

7. It will ask you to enter the current password. The same password you used upon logging in. Enter it in.

8. Create a new password then enter it.

9. Re-enter the new password created.

10. It will then show you that it’s successfully changed. Press enter.

11. You are back to the options before. Type G to log off then Y. Press enter. It will disconnect the medicare terminal.

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