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How To Do Collections In Medisoft

How To Do Collections In Medisoft

To access the Collection List, click the Activities menu and Collection List. Collection List Navigation By default the Collection List will only display collection tasks that are scheduled to be performed on the current date.   You do have the ability to specify...
Medisoft Audit Program Options

Medisoft Audit Program Options

First, make sure you enable the auditing options you need in Program Options. Select if you want a Detail or Summary view, the date range, and the chart range:   Select the users you’d like to audit against:   Chose the tables to audit against:  ...
How To Enter An Adjustment Entry In Medisoft

How To Enter An Adjustment Entry In Medisoft

Adjustment Entry Adjustments are used to either increase or decrease the balance on a patient’s account. This can be done for many reasons. Refund – (Positive Adjustment) When a patient is in need of a refund, it is because they or their insurance carrier have...
Modifying Grid Columns

Modifying Grid Columns

Nearly every screen in Medisoft that has columns and rows of information can be modified to show a custom arrangement of columns. To add or remove columns: 1. Click the black dot in the top left corner of the grid to open the Grid Column editor. 2. When the Grid...

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